Ritual Murder: Myth or Reality?
Translated from the Russian
she woke up early. The morning cold streamed in through the open window. The sun peered in, and one of its rays fell upon the wall, revealing a myriad of dust motes in the fresh air.
Se levanto temprano. La manana se deslizo hacia dentro por la ventana. El sol se asomo, uno de sus rayos choco contra la pared, dejando ver miles de particulas de polvo flotando en el aire.
She watched them drifting for a long time, as if spellbound. She didn't know that a swarm of dust particles in a ray of light is one of the favorite metaphors of medieval demonologists. Innumerable spirits of earthly malice, carried over the earth.
Se quedo mirandolas por mucho tiempo, como si estuviese en un trance. Ella no sabia que esas particulas de polvo en un rayo de luz era una de las favoritas metaforas de los demonologos medievales. Espirtitus incontables de maldad terrenal transportados por toda la tierra.
They can be seen only in the Sun of Truth... That evening at the rock concert someone thrust a slip of paper into her hand on which the snout of a goat was drawn. Below the goat, which looked at her from inside an inverted pentagram, was an inscription: "The Black Legion." Below this was something like an epigraph, and
some more text.
Solo se pueden ver bajo la luz solar de la Verdad...... Esa tarde cuando estaba en el concierto de rok, alguien le paso un trozo de papel en el que habia un dibujo de una cabra que la miraba desde dentro de un pentagono invertido con las siguientes palabras: " La Legion Negra". Debajo de eso habia algo como un epigrafo y mas escrito.
She began to read: "When he he reached the shore he encountered a man who had been possessed by demons for a long time. The unclean spirit tormented him so that they bound him in chains, but he managed to break them... Jesus asked him "What is your name?", and he answered "Legion!", because the demons in him were numerous beyond counting.
Comenzo a leer: "Cuando el llego la costa se encontro con un hombre que habia sido poseido por demonios por mucho tiempo. El espiritu sucio lo atormentaba, por eso lo ataron con cadenas, pero el logro romperlas.....Jesus le pregunto "Como te llamas ?" el contesto "Legion", porque los demonios que estaban dentro de el eran incontables.
And he lived not in a house, but in a coffin." She turned the leaflet over in her hands ... and then thrust it into her pocket. A year and a half later they found her body on the outskirts of Minsk buried under fallen leaves. The body had been drained of blood and stabbed 270 times.
No vivia en una casa sino en un ataud. " Le dio vuelta al papel en sus manos..... y luego lo metio en su bolsillo. Ano y medio despues, su cuerpo fue encontrado en las afueras de Minsk, sepultada debajo de las hojas de otono. Su cuerpo sin sangre y con 270 punaladas.
On the 22nd of March, 1684 in the Byelorussian village of Zverki (near Zabludov, now part of Poland) a boy named Gabriel was born. His parents, Peter and Anastasia, were devout Orthodox Christians, unyielding against the persuasions of Catholics and Uniates to abandon their faith.
El 22 de Marzo, 1864 en el pueblo Belaruso de Zverki (cerca a Zabludov, que ahora forma parte de Polonia) un nino llamado Gabriel nacia. Sus padres, Pedro y Anastasia, eran devotos Cristianos Ortodoxos, se aferraban a su fe a pesar de las persuasiones de los Catolicos y otros.
On the 11th of March, 1690, according to the court records of the Zabludov District, the boy was abducted from his house, where he had been left unattended. In The Life of the Child-Martyr Gabriel, published in 1912 in Slutsk, we read:
El 11 de Marzo, 1690, de acuerdo a los archivos del Distrito de Zabludov el chico fue raptado desde su casa donde se encontraba solo. En 'La vida del Nino Martir Gabriel' publicada en 1912 en Slutsk esta escrito:
"A certain Jew living in the village of Zverki at the time, a landholder by the name of Shutko, abducted him and took him away to Bialystok. Jews from the Brest kagal who had gathered there subjected the boy Gabriel to horrifying tortures.
"Cierto Judio que vivia en la villa de Zverki en ese tiempo, un terrateniente llamado Shutko, lo rapto y se lo llevo a Bialystok. Judios provenientes de Brest kagal que se habian reunido alli sometieron al nino Gabriel a torturas horrorozas.
After taking him to a dark cellar they began by stabbing him in the side, to let blood. Then they crucified him on a cross set up in a large vessel, stabbing him with various instruments all over his body to drain him completely of blood. Having drained the last drops, they took the body to a rye field and left it there
Despues lo llevaron a un sotano donde lo apunalearon en su costado para desangrarlo. Despues lo crucificaron sobre una cruz puesta dentro de una vasija grande, apunaleandole con varios instrumentos por todo el cuerpo para desangrarlo por completo. Una vez que ya no tenia ni una gota, llevaron su cuerpo a una plantacion de trigo y lo dejaron ahi.
." Dogs found the body after three days and guarded it from birds of prey. They buried the boy near the church. Thirty years later the surrounding land was struck with a horrible epidemic. Peasants sought to bury their children as close as possible to Gabriel's grave, believing in his power of heavenly intercession and patronage of deceased children.
"Los perros encontraron su cuerpo despues de tres dias y lo protegieron de las aves de rapina. Lo enterraron cerca a la iglesia. Treinta anos despues la tierra a su alrededor fue victima de una epidemia horrible. Los Campesinos buscaban enterrar sus ninos muertos lo mas cerca posible a la tumba de Gabriel, con la creencia de que habria intervencion celestial para ellos.
During one burial Gabriel's grave was damaged, revealing his imperishable remains. This happened in 1720. Two centuries later, after the revolution, the leaders of the militant atheist regime tried to forbid the veneration of the relics of St. Gabriel of Zabludov (He's also known as St. Gabriel of Bialystok or Slutsk).
Durante uno de los entierros, la tumba de Gabriel fue accidentalmente rota, mostrando los restos sin descomponer. Esto paso en 1720. Dos siglos despues, despues de la revolucion, el lider del regimen militante ateo intento prohibir la veneracion de las reliquias de San Gabriel de Zabludov. (Tambien es conocido como San Gabriel de Bialystok o Slutsk)
The Minsk Eparchy Bulletin (No. 12) of 1917 quotes the press of the day:"...after a repeat search of the storerooms of Trinity Monastery in Slutsk 5140 pogromist brochures were found.
El Boletin Minsk Eparqui (# 12) de 1917 reporto de los periodicos.... "despues de repetidas busquedas en los cuartos de almacenamiento de el Monasterio Trinity de Slutsk, 5140 folletos pogromistas fueron encontrados
In connection with this a decree was passed at the July 13th meeting of the local executive committee of soldiers', workers', and peasants' deputies for the exile of the monastery's head, Archimandrite Afanasy..." What sort of "pogromist" literature was found at Trinity Monastery at Slutsk, calling such wrath onto the head of its abbot?
Relacionado con esto, una ley fue pasada el Julio 13 durante la reunion del comite ejecutivo de deputados de 'soldados, trabajadores y campesinos' para que el cabeza del monasterio, Archimandrite Afanasy fuese mandado al exilio.Que clase de literatura "pogromista" fue allada en el Monasterio Trinidad en Slutsk, que causara tal ira como para hacer eso con el Cura?
The above source doesn't clarify this, but according to church sources the offending brochures turned out to be the The Life of the Holy Child Martyr Gabriel of Slutsk, published by the monastery, where the boy's remains reposed(1).
The child-martyr St. Gabriel of In the library of the Byelorussian Exarchate there's a little book, Bialystok, done to death by the Jews which was published at the beginning of the [20th -- WM] century. It in 1690
Las fuentes de este articulo no nos lo dice, pero de acuerdo con fuentes de la iglesia los folletos resultaron ser 'La Vida del Santo Nino Martir Gabriel de Slutsk', publicada por el monasterio, cuando el cuerpo del nino estaba en reposo. En la biblioteca de Belarus hay un librito, 'Bialystok matado por los Judios' publicado al comienzo del siglo 20
contains a detailed description of the wounds still visible on St. Gabriel's relics... What's especially startling is the similarity to the wounds on the body of Andrei Yushchinsky, killed in 1911 in Kiev. In that case the court, while exonerating the suspect Beiliss due to insufficient evidence, nonethless determined the crime to be ritual in nature, doing so in spite of intense pressure from world Jewry and its fierce accomplices, whom publicist M.O. Menshikov referred to as "Jewish Janissaries".
Contiene descripciones detalladas de las heridas aun visibles en las reliquias de San Gabriel.... Lo que es asombroso en especial es el parecido con las heridas hechas en el cuerpo de Andrei Yuschinsky, asesinado en 1911 en Kiev. Esa vez, la corte aunque absolvio al sospechoso Beiliss por falta de suficiente evidencia, dijo que el crimen tenia un aspecto de muerte ritual. Lo dijo, a pesar de la gran presion hecha por los Judios del mundo y sus ferozes compinches. El publicista M.O Menshikov se refirio a ellos como "Fieles defensores de los Judios"
The Beiliss Affair... -Shhhh! -What's this, are you an antisemite?! It's improper to even mention such things! -Not improper, dangerous. Haven't they threatened you yet? -What nonsense. The whole business is a myth!
El Asunto Beiliss --- que es esto, eres antisemita? no es correcto que menciones esas cosas-- Incorrecto no, peligroso. Ahun no te han amenazado?-- que tonteria. Ese asunto todo es una leyenda!
Around that time, at the beginning of the century, the Jewish Duma deputy Neelovich read a triumphant declaration of 216 rabbis:
Alrededor de ese tiempo, al comienzo del siglo, el deputado Judio del Duma, Neelovich leyo una declaracion triunfante a 216 rabinos:
"Jewish teaching knows not one law permitting the treatment of a non-Jew differently from a Jew."
"Las ensenansas Judias no conoce una ley que permita tratar a un no-Judio de una forma diferente a un Judio"
At the same time the XI Zionist Congress in Vienna announced:
Conservative publicist M.O. Menshikov, editor of the newspaper "Novoe Vremya", tried to warn the public of what would happen once the Jews seized power in Russia.
Al mismo tiempo el XI Congreso Sionista en Viena anunciaba: el publicista Conservador M.O Menshikov, editor del periodico "Novoe Vremya", intento avisar al publico de lo que pasaria una vez que los Judios arrebataran el poder en Rusia
He was executed by the Judeo-Bolsheviks in 1918 in front of his wife and children. His wife's account of that event, entitled "How They Murdered My Husband", makes harrowing reading.
Fue ejecutado por los Judeo-Bolcheviks en 1918 frente a su esposa e hijos. El recuento de los eventos por su mujer titulado "Como Asesinaron a Mi Esposo" es algo que causa angustia.
How dare they hurl this insane accusation at the Jewish people, who've lived for three millennia in an atmosphere of the highest culture, bestowing all humanity with humane laws and enlightening the world with teachings of love for one's neighbor! Oh well, let's say a few words, then, about Jewish "humaneness".
Como se atreven a lanzar tales acusaciones locas contra la gente Judia, quienes han vivido por tres mil anos en un ambiente de la mas alta cultura, concediendole a toda la humanidad leyes humanitarias e iluminando el mundo con sus ensenansas de amor por el projimo! Ah, bueno, entonces digamos algunas palabras acerca de la "benevolencia" Judia.
L.A. Tikhomirov wrote in Moskovskie Vedomosti that the court recognized the crime to contain all the features of a ritual murder. This was confirmed by a starets [monk -- WM] of the Pochayev Lavra, Father Avtonom, a Jew by ancestry, who was well-informed about the nature of the hasidim ritual sect.
L.A Tikhomirov escribio en 'Moskovskie Vedomosti' que la corte habia reconocido que el crimen mostraba todas las senas de un homicido ritual. Esto fue confirmado por un starets [monje-- WM] de la Pochayev Lavra, el Padre Avtonom, un Judio por descendencia, quien estaba bien informado acerca de la naturaleza de la secta ritual hasidim.
After the revolution the new regime hurried to destroy records of the Beiliss Affair in the Kiev court archives, but much striking testimony has survived to this day.
Despues de la revolucion, el nuevo regimen se apresuro a destruir los registros del Asunto Beiliss en los archivos de la corte de Kiev, pero mucho testimonio importante ha logrado sobrevivir.
Here's the conclusion of Master of Theology I.E. Pranaitis, the well-known specialist in Talmudic and Cabbalistic literature whose expert opinion for the Beiliss Affair was published in 1913 in St. Petersburg:
Esta es la conclusion del Perito de Teologia, I.E Pranaitis bien conocido especialista en literatura Talmudica y Cabalistica, su opinion experta acerca del Caso Beiliss fue publicado en 1913 en San Petersburg:
In the Book of Zogar (Ch. II, 119, a) ... it's shown that the act of
murder must be committed by certain cabbalistic methods:
En le Libro de Zogar (Cap.II, 119a)... se demuestra que el acto del asesinato debe ser cometido por medio de ciertos metodos cabalisticos:
"As for the death of amme haaretz (non-Jews), let it be with a gagged mouth, as with animals, which die without voice or speech... And he (the reznik, or ritual butcher -- Y.V.) will give thankful praise, vowing to the Most Holy
"Relacionado con la muerte de amme haaretz (los no Judios), dejen que sean amordazados, como a los animales, que mueren sin voz o habla.... Y el (el reznik o carnicero ritual--Y.V) dara alabanzas de gratitud, inclinandose al la Maxima Santidad
may he be praised, that every day his death must be ... as with the death of cattle -twelve punctures plus a cut of the knife, which makes thirteen...
alabado sea, que todos los dias su muerte debe ser..... como con la muerte de ganado-- doce punzadas a las cuales se le anade un corte de cuchillo, lo cual hace trece...
Compare this text with the coroner's examination of Andrei Yushchinsky's body: Before death Yushchinsky's mouth was gagged (traces of damage to the mouth cavity by the teeth were found) and thirteen puncture wounds were delivered to the area of the right temple.
Compare este texto con el del examen del investigador de muertes violentas del cuerpo de Yushchinsky: antes de su muerte fue amordazado (senas de violencia fueron encontrados dentro de la boca por parte de los dientes) y trece heridas por punzadas fueron hechas en la area de la sien derecha.
P.I. Gorsky-Platonov, the late professor of Hebrew at the Moscow Religious Academy, saw in this Cabbalistic method of killing cattle and people the additional aspect of blasphemy against a Orthodox
P.I Gorsky-Platonov, el finado profesor de Hebreo de la Academia Religiosa en Moscu, vio en este metodo de matar ganado y gente, un aspecto adicional la blasfemia contra el ritual Ortodoxo
Christian ritual, namely the piercing of the prosphora [communion bread -- WM] twelve times by the priest, who then impales the bread a thirteenth time through the side with a special little spear, pronouncing the same words from the Book of Isaiah as the Jewish reznik does: He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. (Isaiah 53:7)
Cristiano, o sea perforar la prosfora [el pan de la comunion--WM] trece veces por el costado con una pequena lanza, pronunciando loas mismas palabras del Libro de Isaias como lo hace el Judio reznik: El fue oprimido, y afligido, aun asi no habrio su boca: es traido como cordero a la matanza y como obejas ante el deslanador es mudo, por lo tanto no habrio la boca. (Isaias 53:7)
During the Beiliss Affair Vasily Rozanov noted also the configuration of the wounds. Superimposed on an astrological table it provides a clue to the secret of this murder.
Durante el Asunto de Beiliss, Vasily Rozanov tomo nota de la configuracion de las heridas. Superimpuestas sobre una mesa astrologica nos da pistas a el secreto the este homicidio.
The secret is connected with the notion of a scapegoat: The person condemned to sacrifice is like a calf; his blood is spilled; his body the property of Azazelo.
El secreto esta ligado con la idea del 'chivo expiatorio': La persona condenada al sacrificio es como ternero; su sangre derramada; su cuerpo le pertenece a Azazelo.
We've come back to the Book of Zogar. (Mindash-Melech to p. 32 a, Zogar): "The goat sent on the Day of Purification to Azazelo" is the proof that the Jews must rid the Earth of non-Jews.
Regresamos al Libro de Zogar. (Mindas-Melec p.32a, Zogar): " El chivo mandado en el Dia de Purificacion hacia Azazelo" es la prueba de que los Judios deben eliminar de la tierra a los no Judios
I. Pranaitis dechiphers the satanic practice of stabbing the body of the sacrificial victim thusly: Responsibility is incurred only for blood by shekhita (i.e., blood spilled by a reznik in accordance with Jewish ritual practice).
I.Pranaitis decifra la practica satanica de apunalear el cuerpo de la victima sacrificial asi: Solamente se incurre responsabilidad por la sangre derramada por shekhita (eso es, sangre derramada por reznik de acuerdo a la practica ritual Judia)
No responsibility is assumed for blood shed by stabbing, tearing or the draining of blood... In the Book of Toseft (6,1) we read: "If someone kills because he needs blood then he must not kill by shekhita. What should he do? Either stab or tear."
No se asume responsabilidad por la sangre derramada por apunalar, razgar o desangrar... En el Libro de Toseft (6,1) leemos: "Si alguien mata porque necesita sangre, entonces no debe matar por shekhita. Que debe hacer? apunalar o razgar, uno de los dos."
For what occasions is blood necessary? According to the tractates of the Jewish philosopher Maimonides, blood obtained by the piercing of the body is a curative beverage.
Para que ocasiones es la sangre necesaria? De acuerdo a los tratados del filosofo Maimonides, la sangre obtenida por punzar el cuerpo es una bebida curativa.
No, we're not talking about the blood of animals. In a very rare and little-known book by Rabbi Chaim Wital, Ets-Chaim (XVII Century), we read that "the murder of goys and the drinking of their blood increases the holiness of Israel for the Jews."
No, no estamos hablando de sangre de animales. En un pequeno libro poco conocido y escaso por el Rabi Chaim Wital, 'Ets-Chaim' (Siglo XVII), leemos que "el asesinato de goys y el beber de su sangre aumenta la santidad de Israel para los Judios".
More than one hundred years ago Bishop Porphiry (Uspensky) wrote: "Once I was occupied with the study of the monstrosities of the Jews...
Mas de cien anos atras el Obispo Porfirio (Uspensky) escribio: Una ves que me dedique al estudio de las monstruosidades de los Judios...
and I'm completely convinced that they're the sad remnant of the time when they turned to the worship of Moloch and Remfan (Saturn), by which they stigmatized themselves some 1500 years before the Birth of Christ.
y estoy completamente convencido de que ellos son los sobrevivientes de los tiempos cuando se adoraba a Moloc y Remfan (Saturno), por lo que se han estigmatizado por unos 1500 anos A.C
Just as the Christian peoples were held back by many pagan superstitions, Jews (naturally, not all Jews) continue to spill the blood of infants and children from other tribes according to the the ancient legend prescribing the redemption of their whole race through human blood sacrifice."
Al igual que las gentes Cristianas fueron impedidas por muchas supersticiones paganas, los Judios (por supuesto, no todos) continuan derramando la sangre de bebes y ninos de otras tribus de acuerdo a las antiguas fabulas las que prescribian la salvacion de toda su raza a travez del sacrificio de sangre".
Thinker and writer V.V. Rozanov also "burned his hands" on the Beiliss Affair. After writing: "The blood of Andrei Yushchinsky cries out to the heavens", he was abandoned by his publishers and literary associates.
El pensador y escritor V.V Rozanov tambien se ha "quemado las manos" con el Asunto Beiliss. Despues de escribir: "La sangre de Andrei Yushchinsky eleva un grito a los cielos", fue abandonado por su publicador y sus socios escritores.
Thus the Biblical legend, the one about the redemption of original sin through the blood of the Savior, has degenerated, through the millennia, into the diabolical parody of blood sacrifice.
Es asi que la leyenda Biblica, la que habla de la redempcion de el pecado original por la sangre del Redentor, se ha venido degenerando por los anos, a un remedio diabolico de sangre sacrificial.
(Great is the error of those who see in the Christian sacrament of communion a mere reflection of pagan ritual. This paganist notion is the very opposite of the truth.) M.O. Menshikov noted one more aspect of the question: Writers especially sympathetic to the Jews boldly announce:
(Grande es el error de aquellos que solo ven en el Sacramento Cristiano de la comunion un reflejo de un ritual pagano. Este concepto paganista es exactamente lo opuesto a la verdad.) M.O Menshikov senalo un aspecto mas a ese asunto: Escritores comprensivos de los Judios anunciaron atrevidamente:
"Well, what of it, if some unwashed hasidim actually did cut up a Christian boy? Among Christians are those who've engaged in ritual evildoing too... Monstrosities can be found in all religions."
" Bueno, y que, si algun hasidim cara sucia cortaria en pedazos un cuerpo Cristiano? Entre los Cristianos hay algunos que tambien se han involucrado en el mal ritualizado.... Monstruosidades se pueden encontrar en todas las religiones".
I'll answer by saying that there are monstrosities and there are monstrosities. Are Christians who serve black masses normal? One can't assert that Christians who've gone off the deep end in this regard are acting in accordance with their laws, but with the Jews, alas, one may, for the Talmud prescribes all manner of crimes in relation to Christians(2).
Voy a responder diciendo que hay varios tipos de monstruosidades. Son los Cristrianos que sirven en las misas negras, normales? Uno no puede sostener que los Cristianos que se han ido muy profundo en esta area esten actuando de acuerdo a sus leyes, pero con los Judios, ay de ellos, si se puede, el Talmud formula toda clase de crimenes contra los Cristianos.
Decked up in red bunting, satanism is trying, in an atmoshpere of historical and spiritual amnesia, to drive out the very term "ritual murder" from the lexicon, the spoken language and even Dahl's dictionary(3). The notion of ritual murder is absent in the Criminal Code. How, then, is one to classify a recent crime which took place in the Moscow Botanical Garden, a favorite spot for satanist gatherings? It began when a 17-year old girl refused to participate in an initiation ritual dedicated to the devil. Then one youth heard a voice: "Kill! Kill!" After strangling her with a cord he tore the cross from her dead body and ran off. (The murderer got involved with satanism after a pagan "healer" once cured him of a disease.) Here's another, earlier occurrence. The Byelorussian satanist Baranovsky liked to sacrifice cats to his favorite idol. After 666 such cat sacrifices, he moved on to human ones(4). He dispatched his victims with multiple stabbing. Now in confinement, Baranovsky continues to openly profess satanism and conduct black masses in prison.
of a schoolgirl in Cherkessk. The young people who committed it did so in an attempt to call up the devil. A man in black, appearing to one of them in a vision, ordered him to bring a knife into action. The participants drank the blood of their victim. All of these ritual elements were discussed in detail in the court trial, but the evildoers were convicted of ordinary murder(5).
V.I. Dahl (1801-1872), author of the famous dictionary, researched Jewish ritual murder At the beginning ot the 90's many were shocked by the murder at the behest of the Tsarist government.
In the current case in Minsk the prosecutor K.A. Batsilovsky is insisting on the "banality" of the murder. By the way, it this really all that important? We'll talk about that later. For the time being we'll
recount what in fact happened. And so, Minsk tenth-grader V. called her friend L. and agreed to meet him the next day. L. informed N., with whom L. was acquainted for a long time but knew only by first name, of this. On the next day all three met at the underground station. They bought beer and wine and drove out of the city. In the woods, after a few drinks, N. began to make passes at the girl. When he was met with refusals, he started beating her, taped her mouth shut (he just "accidentally" happened to have the tape with him), and began stabbing her with a knife (around forty stabs, in the region of the head). Then L. took a few stabs at the already lifeless body. A "banal" crime(6)? There's one unusual detail, however. The killers and their victim all belonged to a satanic cult. The girl was born into a well-known and well provided-for family. She might have been called successful. If only her mother hadn't practice what was once called "black magic" in the old days... A year and a half ago V. heard of the existence of the Black Legion sect. Its leaflets with an inverted pentagram make very specific promises to youthful Byelorussians: The Legion will arise, filling the heavens with a cloud of dust! We'll consign to the flames all that you've created thanks to your Lying God. We'll dance on the ashes of your rotted-out churches and have wild orgies on your graves, under burning crosses... (The three signatures which follow speak volumes: Beelzebub, Astarot, Merlin.)
Soon V. was initiated into the sect with the rank of witch. Documentary video material, shot in a Minsk basement, recorded the event. Walls of red brick, covered with "666"'s, inverted crosses and goat's heads. Lighted candles. Young people in black masks. They place a peeping kitten on the sacrificial altar in the middle of an inverted pentagram. A knife appears. They pour the unfortunate victim's blood into a cup. Finally they bring in the girl, naked. She's placed in the center of another inverted pentagram on the floor. On her back they draw an inverted cross in the kitten's blood. They read "Our Father" backwards... In conclusion, they announce that the new sister is dedicated to the spirit of the she-devil Lilith. "O, Satan," intones the leader. "We've brought you a victim! Send down your spirit to us... Let him announce his presence by blowing out the candle.
The "Black Legion" leaflet which changed One of the candles flickers and goes out. All look at each other V.'s life forever
in silence. -Did someone come in? -Impossible!
-But the candle's gone out! Odysseus poured the blood of his victims into a pit, and the spirits greedily rushed in in order to receive strength and reveal themselves. Tiresius' ghost got drunk on blood and answered Odysseus... The same goes for the Cabbalists: They believe that life fluids, escaping from the blood, congeal in a formless mass above a person covered in blood. An experienced Cabbalist can turn him into a warlike, malevolent robot which he can manipulate to his ends. But the silly teenagers lost their nerve. They stood there and looked at each other. After the murder they would discover a cup, knife with three "sixes" and other ritual objects in V.'s apartment. Relatives and friends of the girl had seen the objects. They knew that she was obsessed with her computer and would play some sort of violent game for hours on end. But they regarded this all as typical for a modern teenager. In the meanwhile a frightful orgy of symbols and rituals danced on the black screen in front of her. A virtual black mass. Such services are provided on the Internet by the Temple of Seth(7)... And then ... then she would wander the dark hallways practically every night with flickering torch in hand... Disquieting rustlings emerged from the cold walls... Dreadful intimations exhausted the soul... And suddenly a rumbling. Horrors! The horned creature appeared, belching hot red plasma which threatened to engulf her. The girl shuddered. Shuddered each time, though it was just an amusement. The computer game DOOM. At every level it becomes harder and harder to fight the monster(8). The balls of fire hit their target ever more often. She was burned by rays, cut up by swords. Finally her computer life score reached zero. Could she guess that her virtual death would soon be followed by a real one? To her, the name "DOOM" referred only to the deaths of those disgusting creatures which she fired at so adroitly with her electronic blaster. Other possible implications of the game's title was something she preferred not to think about... In the real world the disgusting murder of animals at Black Legion gatherings began to repel V. She left for a more peaceable sect, the "Heart of the Dragon". This pagan order exists in the Byelorussian capital on a completely legal footing. It's registered at the Minsk Youth Palace as a hobby organization dedicated to the revival of ancient rituals and pagan holidays. Members of the "Heart of the Dragon" easily combine the organization of Medieval tourneys with political opposition activities. How convenient! Just try to lay a finger on such an organization and what a hue and cry you'll hear! Cries of "religious intolerance" and "violation of human rights", at a bare minimum. Incidentally, the "religious tolerance" of these people is itself extremely selective. Recently a certain Byelorussian "interfaith association" sent a letter to Metropolitan Filaret: In the Byelorussian Orthodox church calendar of 1994 under the heading "Byelorussian Orthodox shrines" on pages 98-99 the life of the martyr Gabriel of Bialystok is described. This description contains the openly anti-semitic accusation against Jews of the boy's
ritual murder. Such false allegations lead to the enflaming of antisemitism and aid the appearance of prejudice and intolerance toward Jews in our republic. They've been repeatedly condemned by leading members of the Christian church and the World Council of Churches as completely fabricated and unprovable. In this connection we ask you to ensure the removal of the above-mentioned slanders from future editions of the Byelorussian Orthodox calendar. The "concern" is clearly selective here. The abovementioned organization hasn't been observed, for some reason, in the struggle against satanic sects. Maybe such sects fit its definition of "interfaith" organizations? Byelorussian neo-pagan organizations enjoy especially "warmhearted" relations with their devilworshipping counterparts in Norway(9). The Scandinavian rock group "Bursum" calls for the revival of blood ritual paganism and militant atheism in order to wreak revenge on Christianity. Its followers have burned down churches in Norway, Poland, Denmark and England. One member of the cult, Graf Grishnak, is now serving a sentence in Norway for a ritual murder he committed. He corresponds with his Byelorussian fans from prison, inspires them and gives mentorly advice:
"The time's come to prove your loyalty to the cult of the Great Prince with more forceful action(10).... Our brother Mad Eugene will deliver the necessary 2 kg. of TNT... That chapel will be the requisite first step of your initiation. Don't forget that we'll be satisfied only with absolute success." This letter was recently seized during the search of a Minsk satanist detained by police. Graf Grishnak will be pleased. Modern satanism loves to dress up in pagan masks. Even its places of ritual worship are borrowed from ancient pagans: the intersection of forest roads, islands, places where rivers flow into lakes... Satanist holidays are also cribbed from the pagan calendar: the days of Winter and Summer solstice, the 8th of March (part of ancient Judaic tradition), the eve of July 7th (Ivan Kupala), and the eve of May 1st, Walpurgis Night... These festivals are always accompanied by death. In the spring and Summer of 1998 nine child corpses turned up in Minsk. As usual, the public found it more comfortable to write them off to 'domestic violence'. Six of these murders, however, were committed on the above-named holidays (two of them on Walpurgis Night, and two on the 8th of March)(11). Every child done to death by the christophagi of our day is one more attempt to kill the Savior. (No wonder Aleister Crowley wrote that in order to do highest spiritual work (!) one must always select a victim possessed of the highest and purest power. The most suitable object is an innocent and mentallydeveloped child of the male sex.)
Yes, there's more to neo-paganism than just the enchanting songs of Lel(12)! We must mention one more holiday, a very popular one in the West: All Souls' Day, or Halloween. At the end of October, when all progressive humanity was preparing to celebrate it, a knife plunged again and again into V.'s body. At the very same time, as if providing musical accompaniment to the murder, the rock group "Cannibal Corps" was performing at the Minsk Circus. Moving jerkily, the musicians wandered the stage dressed as corpses. Among the crowd someone was passing out leaflets of that very same Black Legion with a threat aimed at Christians: "Your god is dead! And you're going to die along with him!" However it's the satanists who die first, as a rule. They die because they stand nearer than others to him who is known as the father of lies and murderer from time immemorial. The recent suicide of Yuri S. shook all who had known the fifteen year-old youth. As recorded in the psychiatric expert opinion conducted after his death, he was fatally struck by a train at 3 o'clock on the 765th kilometer of the Ratomka-Zhdanovich line. The conductors report that they saw the youth sitting on the right-of-way. As the train approached he suddenly threw himself on the right rail, grabbing it and putting his head on it. There was no reaction to the train's warning signal... From the investigative materials to that case: "The most important fact is the sharp change in behavior during the last year of the deceased's life. Instability increased, mood swings became more marked. His circle of interests and friends grew narrower and narrower... The nature of his entertainment changed: He began to prefer heavier rock music, got involved in satanism." The above-quoted letter ordering the burning down of a chapel ended with the words: "To refuse the action, even under force of objective circumstatnces, will be interpreted as weakness and betrayal of the Laws given us by the Fallen Angel. You know the price of failure." As we see from V.'s murder, vengeance for failure or an attempt to leave the sect is not just an empty threat. So what unites the crimes which we've detailed above? In Cherkessk they killed a girl while invoking the devil, brought her to the sacrificial altar for the right of his personal acquaintance... Fifteen year-old V., by all accounts, was punished for abandoning the Prince of Darkness' service... And whose voice gave the order to kill the 17 year-old Moscow girl as her murderer read an incantation(13)? In all of the above cases we're dealing with intercourse with unworldly beings, with the calling into one's soul of entities about which it is said: their name is legion. And for thousands of years ritual has served as the means for establishing such connections. There's murder and there's ritual. When we put them together we get ritual murder(14). Here it might be appropriate to ask ourselves a question: in what state do ritual murderers usually act? - More often than not under the influence of alcohol, when the drunken demon rules the man. - Under narcotics: The mystical underside of drug addiction is well-explored in the works of Castaneda, for example. - Under computer-virtual influence. The spectacle developing on the screen causes shock or attracts the attention. At that very moment the horned one makes his entrance. - Under the influence of the demon which enters the person during pagan "healings", removal of "hexes", "encoding", and so forth. - Finally, cold-blooded "idealist" satanists, those who've called up the legion consciously, preside over blood rituals. Some of them are hereditary satanists. The majority of them belong to the tribe which circumcises, thus destroying the divine wholeness of the body, incurring, according to philosopher
Georgy Yemelianenko, a metaphysical wound. This wound has produced a fearful legacy, spanning the yawning millennia... Among the "black ones" are gurus and those who receive the calling as a gift through a post-mortem handshake, clothing or other items of a deceased master. These "free" and proud people are in fact moved by a will other than their own. This phenomenon is well known to science. In the legal psychiatry textbook we read: "Disturbances of will are also those impulsive conditions characterized by the appearance of an insurmountable desire to commit one or another action without forethought. It's customary to underline several impulsive conditions: Catatonic impulsive behavior is characterized above all by senseless, unmotivated, aggressive, and destructive action. The sufferers often experience a feeling of submission to an alien will (the so-called Kandinsky syndrome)." Theophanes the Hermit once described how satan entered Judas: "Satan entered because there was an open door. Our soul is usually closed. The Lord Himself stands and knocks, so that we'll open. How does he get us to open? Through sympathy, predisposition, agreement... Don't allow any satan-pleasing thoughts, don't sympathise with them, don't be predisposed to their influence and don't agree with them. Satan will come up, walk around, and then leave: You see, he's been given no real power over anyone(15)." Satanism as a conscious cult phenomenon and the mass, unconscious satanization of society have one and the same essence. The essence lies simply in the quantity of devils per capita. These beasts are driven out by fasting and prayer. The methods of warfare against satanism have been known for a long time. Recently in one of Byelorussia's prison colonies one letter to the outside world from the satanist Baranovsky, who's serving a 25-year term for a ritual murder, was intercepted. It was addressed to one of V.'s killers, and it's essence was the following: Don't lose heart. They'll give you 25 years, you'll get out early and then we'll work together. I've cobbled together a group here; we perform black masses. V.'s mother is inconsolable. She recalls how her daughter often read the Bible toward the very end, seeking an answer in Holy Scripture: how to fight the devil. What did the girl fear most? Not those horned monsters which really do climb out of the computer screen when appearing to enthusiasts of the game of DOOM? Yes, she was up to hear ears in an ugly infinity of virtual horrors. The computer, her neo-pagan idol, demanded one constant sacrifice: the precious time needed by God for the salvation of the soul. By offering it up to the electronic moron, she made a victim of herself, her immortal soul, long before her physical death! The paganist-suicide jumped from the ritual cliff not simply into the abyss, but into the bottomless pit of hell. Her fall was just as horrible, but less noticeable, taking place in conditions of misleading
comfort so characteristic of the end of the seventh day. She began reading the Bible, with which her acquaintance with the Black Legion began! She recalled the epigraph on the leaflet. It turned out to be a free paraphrase of a passage from Chapter Eight of the Gospel According to Luke: (For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For oftentimes it had caught him: and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.) And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. In the leaflet this is where the story had ended... The girl began to read further: And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep. And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them. Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked. So there's your mighty legion! The devils plead not to be sent into eternal torment in the abyss. And without the Lord's permission they can't enter even a swine, much less a man! She read and wept. Was it too late already? Where is her unfortunate soul today? Will the intercession of St. Gabriel help her(16)? The saint who to this day witnesses to eternal life? After the revolution The veneration of St. Gabriel's remains was no easy undertaking, and the traditional formula "done to death by the Jews" unpleasantly disturbs the mass consciousness even now. Today his relics are located in Bialystok, on Polish territory, where they continue to work wonders. Especially striking is the testimony of Grodno priest Vladimir Urlin, who twice collected fragments for relocation to Byelorussia. The second time he discovered that a place on the shoulder where a fragment had earlier been removed had grown over with new flesh. "O glorious wonder, through which the silenced lips of a child unmask Jewish cruelty of heart, the flow of whose blood blocks a flood of lawlessness, calls us to sobriety, the constant reminder of death and the fearless witness of truth(17)."
1. The remains of the child-martyr Gabriel were once located in Moscow, and later moved to Grodno. Now they're on Polish territory. The Bulletin of the Minsk Eparchy of 1992 informs us: September 21 (September 8, old style). The Day of Birth of Our Lady, Mother of God, the Virgin Mary. In the morning Metropolitan Filaret, Patriarch's Exarch of All Belarus together with the Archbishop of Grodno and Volokovyssk Valentin and Bishop of Pinsk and Luninetsk Stefan served an akathistus for the child-martyr Gabriel of Bialystok at the vessel containing his relics in the Cathedral of the Holy Shroud in Grodno. Then, with the singing of the troparion for the Mother of God the child-martyr's relics were taken by cross procession to the Mother of God Church in Grodno Monastery, where the Metropolitan served Holy Liturgy accompanied by the above-named clergy together with Archbishop of Bialystok and Gdansk (Polish Orthodox Church) Savva, Bishop of Novogrudsk and Lidsk Konstantin, various clergy from the Eparchy of Grodno and other clerical guests. After the liturgy and prayer, prelates, clergy and numerous laymen accompanied the holy relics to the Belarus-Poland border, where they were transferred into the hands of representatives of the Polish Orthodox Church, for relocation to Bialystok." <<
2. It appears that under Stalin the Soviet authorities made attempts to counteract the dark legacy of the Jewish Pale of Settlement. Here's what Z. Sheinis wrote in his book Provocation of the Century about the end of the Stalin epoch: "At that time my wife Marina was closely acquainted with an employee from the political division of the newspaper Pravda Galina Martysheva. Together with her husband Andrey Zemskov, Martysheva graduated from the Social Sciences Academy of the Communist Party Central Committee... It was springtime, with Russian Easter approaching. Zemskov was on assignment in Minsk at the time. Upon his return from the Byelorussian capital he recounted how the Jews of Minsk prepare for passover: "They killed Russian children and made matzoh using their blood." This conversation took place in my wife's presence, and since she's an Armenian with a Russian mother they were completely frank with her. In reply to Marina's sharp reprimand of Zemskov for spreading such monstrous slanders reminiscent of the Middle Ages, the Central Committee member and Doctor of Historical Science angrily parried her remark, repeating that the rumors are absolutely true and high-placed party members in Minsk can confirm them. A new Beiliss Affair was clearly brewing in Moscow... The deportation of around 3 million Jews was to take place right after the trial of the doctor-murderers. Freight cars were already waiting on rail lines surrounding Moscow. But, according to Stalin's plan, the operation demanded additional theoretical preparation." [Stalin died (it's likely he was murdered) before he had a
chance to carry out his "final deportation" of the Jewish question -- WM.] At the time, in the 50's, historians noted one very significant detail: among the arrested Jewish doctors figured the names of the hereditary hasidic ritual murderers Entinger and Landau, both involved in the Beiliss Affair. << 3. V.I. Dahl [(1801-1872) Dahl is Russia's equivalent of Noah Webster. His dictionary, in the original edition, is still in print and in wide use today. -- WM], author of the famous Interpretive Dictionary of the Russian Language, served as a special commissions clerk under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In connection with ever-increasing reports of mysterious crimes in Russia's western gubernii, where the hasidim were particularly active, Dahl put together a stunning document under the aegis of Minister Sazonov. It was entitled Investigations of Murder of Christian Children by Jews and the Use of Their Blood, and contained descriptions of 136 proven incidents in various countries over the centuries. << 4. Satanic cat sacrifice is quite common, and can be observed in the Severodonsk Affair as well. But even here the devil has the last laugh over his adherents. There was a famous incident which took place in Alistair Crowley's "accursed abbey" in Sicily. During a black mass the Oxford poet Raul Loveday drank cat's blood and died on the spot. Crowley was soon expelled from Italy: All incantations were in vain. << 5. This process is taking place all over the world. According to Interpol, more than 100 known ritual murders take place every year in the US, Canada and Western Europe. They range from human sacrifice to heart attacks brought about by invoking the devil. << 6. It may be comforting to think so. How many deaths by stabbing, strangulation and beating to death are written off to the cliche formula: "society's simply gone mad". But this most banal of diagnoses describes the essence of many crimes. Strictly speaking, there are no "usual" murders. No murder happens merely according to the scheme "man on man". There's always a third, hidden, presence. So it has been since the crime of Cain. << 7. Founded in America by M. Aquino, retired Lieutenant Colonel of the US Armed Forces, specializing in psychological warfare. <<
8. T. Dumansky notes: "The names of the ever-more complicated stages of the game are characteristic: Stage 1: Knee Deep in Dead; Stage 2: The Shores of Hell; Stage 3: Inferno; Stage 4: Thy Flesh Consumed" Olesia Nikolayeva writes: "Reality (absence of reality) is replaced by virtuality, that is pure makebelieve, which takes on characteristics of anti-world, which is perceived by the agent of Seth as a certain Presence. Virtual reality in Japanese translates as "intimate presence". This presence, however, exists in a zone of nothingness, in the substantial sense, the zone of shadows and death. There's no doubt that demons inhabit this infernal world." << 9. By the way, the Americans are not far behind. A search of one satanist detained by police turned up literature with the following passage: "The High Priest of our sect, pastor of the Satanic Church of the Thirteenth Apostle in America, Brian Libby, killed 13 Christian preachers with his own hands." The text contains unusual orthography: every letter "T" is in the form of an inverted cross, the "tree of death". << 10. Demonologists of the Middle Ages referred to the demon Astarot (the male embodiment of Astarte) as the "Great Prince". Johann Wier wrote in the Seventeenth Century: "The great and mighty prince appears in the form of a hideous angel, mounted on a infernal dragon and holding an adder in his right hand." << 11. By the way, in the apartment of one of V.'s murderers scotch tape with remnants of hair from various parts of the female body was discovered. According to the expert opinion the hair was not V.'s As a result, the prosecution reopened other unsolved cases involving murders of women. << 12. Sergei Nilus formulated: "Paganism gave the devil his due, but Christ came and drove the prince of darkness away." However, new pagan masks have joined the infernal carnival of the end of time. The wave began in Europe at the turn of the 20th Century with the creation of the order of druids. In his book The Destruction of Masonry by Unmasking Its Secrets, General Erich Ludendorff (once a high-placed Mason himself) wrote authoritatively about the MasonicCabbalistic inspiration behind the druidic movement, which he considered to be merely an affiliate of Freemasonry. During the Third Reich investigations conducted by the SS and Gestapo came to the same conclusion regarding the origins of German neo-paganism. The same thing is happening in our day. In conversations with neo-pagan intellectuals, who are disturbed above all, of course, by the divine origin of Christ, one discovers that these "Russian patriots" have received their main "argumentation" for their polemics against Christianity from the rabbis. THE CABBALA HAS ABSORBED ALL THE POISON OF THE PRE-CHRISTIAN ERA AND NOW RETURNS IT INTO THE WORLD IN MEASURED DOSES. NEW DESTRUCTIVE CULTS MAKE THEIR APPEARANCE IN JUST THIS FASHION. HOWEVER, HISTORICAL PAGANISM AND NEO-PAGANISM ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. Before the appearance of Christ pagan cults contained that portion of the truth which ancient Man
was capable of comprehending. If that were not the case, then ancient Man couldn't have miraculously survived as he did, defenseless among predatory beasts and the threats of cold and hunger. We have no right to call our pagan forebears devil-worshippers. But this situation changed radically after the appearance and Resurrection of Christ. Now all may know of the Lord, and he who calls himself a pagan today is consciously resisting Truth. Neo-paganism is a modern embodiment of satanism. "As the study of mythologies of various ancient tribes shows ... the general religious line of development of pagan peoples was away from monotheism to polytheism, and then to the 'integration' of deities into the framework of pantheism, 'all-god-ism'", writes Father Timofey in his book Two Cosmogonies. "In other words, we're dealing with the same kind of entropic process occurring in nature, with the degradation of religious consciousness. We should not forget that pagan peoples preserved certain elements of knowledge of general human history, including elements of cosmogonic structure which were in agreement with the Bible. We'll refer to them henceforth as elements of Adamite first-knowledge." One more principally important consideration: Neo-pagans speak of the Judaic origins of Christianity. Yes, we heed the Word from the lips of the God-inspired prophets of Israel, are inspired by the deeds of the Apostles. Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky wrote: "Say to one of our peasants: 'Don't curse the Jews. You see, the Holy Virgin and all the Apostles were Jews.' How will he answer? 'That's not so,' he'll say. 'They lived at a time when Jews were Russians.' He knows perfectly well that the Apostles didn't speak Russian... but he wants to express that accurate idea that at that time Jews believing in Christ were of the same true faith and Church which the Russian people were later to enter, and away from which modern Jews have fallen..." What about our "super-Russian" opponents? The rabbinical underside of their anti-Orthodox arguments is obvious. Neo-pagans feed their new-baked idols with the dandruff from hasidic forelocks. Buckets of it. Laboring day and night. In this vein one writer and contemporary of the revolution Boris Sadovsky wrote the following anecdote: "Isaaker and Shokolad are having lunch in the former Governor's office. - To your health, Osip. - To yours, Moishe. Such a business. - Oy vey. Seventy years of this revolutionary business. Mazzini, Bakunin, Garibaldi, Herzen: They all worked for us! Now it's all over. The Russian intelligentsia has rotted to the core. The aristocracy, phew! There is none, and the peasants are like sheep going to slaughter, may God be praised! - Only I'm afraid, Moishe, that the Orthodox faith will be harder to finish off than the Tsar was. - Nonsense! The Church without the Tsar is a zero. It was held together only by him. The cult will die out in a few years. - Not so soon, I don't think. - With these people! We can force these cattle to bow down to Perun again...
So the choice is clear: to be either with the Prophet Daniel, or with the lion of the synagogue Maimonides. << 13. Theophanes the Hermit had the following to say about voices: "We've written about the voices which some hear. The Holy Fathers say not to pay attention to them. Don't delve into the reasons behind them. (Many of those afflicted by voices today consider them to be a form of psychotronic terror - Y.V.) Act like this yourself and teach others to do likewise... Lack of attention will shame the enemy, and he'll leave you alone. << 14. "People overly disturbed by the term ritual murder' call these crimes manifestations of 'common cruelty'. They speak of the lack of correspondence between the evidence and the 'classical signs' of a black mass", notes police colonel A. Khvylia-Olinter. "However none other than Alistair Crowley provides evidence against this position. In his book, now freely on sale in Moscow, "Master Theon" writes plainly: 'Depending upon the magical purpose, impalement, drowning, beheading, crushing, poisoning and burning can all be considered ritual acts.' He also recommends the eating of the still-quivering organs of a recently killed victim." Is it really all that important whether the murder we're investigating is ritual or ordinary in nature? Well, aren't the motives of any crime important? And how many of them remain unsolved because the investigators followed a false trail! Can we afford to ignore the following fact, for example: According to unofficial data of the Byelorussian Defense Ministry, in 1997 alone three soldiers in the Byelorussian Army committed suicide under the influence of destructive sects. << 15. St. Gregory of Palama wrote about disembodied souls: "...angels are determined according to their nature to serve the Creator and have one function: to remain under His power. Power to rule over creatures lower in rank is not given to them... Since the evil one has no earthly power, he has to steal his power; therefore it's clear that he's not created to rule the Earth." << 16. Here it would be appropriate to cite from an open letter to Alexander Men by Metropolitan Antony (Melnikov). The topic is an interview given by Father Alexander and published in a samizdat journal "Jews in the USSR" in 1975. The following passage is connected with his relationship to St. Eustratios, crucified by Judaic fanatics in 1097, and St. Gabriel: "Holy Martyr Gabriel was a ten-year old boy who lived in the village of Zverki in Grodno Gubernia. A landholder in that gubernia, a Jewish fanatic, abducted, together with his associates, the boy and brutally murdered him. The murderers were later exposed and convicted according to the law. And the relics of St. Gabriel were later discovered to be imperishable, possessed of a special power by the grace of God... Is there anything anti-Jewish in the circumstances of the death of this saint? No. We're talking about a victim of religious fanaticism, the presence of which among Jews you don't deny, Father Alexander, when you say that you find Jewish chauvinism odious. Why not answer the Zionist in this light, then? But you immediately begin talking about ritual murder. What's happened with you? No one even asked you about ritual murder, but you begin saying that the 'ritual libel' against
the Jews has never been legally confirmed in the scandalous cases of the past. This allows you to cast a shadow of slander on Sts. Gabriel and Eustratios and announce flatly: "I hope they'll be decanonized", that is excluded from the host of saints of our Church. For what? For faithfulness to Christ and suffering for His sake? Continuing your train of logic we'd have to decanonize the martyred Archdeacon Stephen, a Jewish Christian killed back in the First Centry by his own relatives, Judaic fanatics. Going further, we'd have to decanonize all those who in one way or another suffered from Jewish fanaticism, beginning with Jesus Christ Himself, given over by the Jews to be crucified. On the other hand, when you, Father Alexander, so unexpectedly spoke up about ritual murder, your hat, as the saying goes, caught fire. I don't want to imply that you personally have any relation to the phenomenon, but you must be able to guess at and maybe even know of its existence. It's very telling that you don't directly deny the existence of ritual murder in Judaism, merely citing the fact that certain Russian theologians themselves didn't support the accusations. But you also can't be unaware that where conscious worship of the devil occurs ritual murder is a possibility, even a certainty..." << 17. From the Liturgy for the Holy Child-Martyrs, Sacrificed by the Jews for the Sake of Christ. <<
Internet links relating to ritual murder: Ritual murder victims canonized by the Catholic Church (In the 20th Century the Vatican decanonized them
all, under pressure from Jewish organizations)
Jewish Ritual Murder, by Arnold Leese (This work, published in London in 1938, is one of the classics on the
Notes on Ritual Murder, by V.I. Dahl (in Russian)
Added to Site: 14 March 2001 - Last modified: 14 March 2001 The Russian-language original of this chapter may be found at: apocalypse_III-11.koi.txt
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