What to do when the debt collectors start bugging you.
Number one is: never, never ignore them, especially when the banks start the collection process. You meet them head on by replying to their collection letters. Do not reply to them over the phone, this is useless, unless you are able to record your conversation with them.
Lo primero es no ignorar sus cartas, especialmente cuando hayan empezado su proceso de colecta. Enfrentalos contestando sus cartas de amenaza por escrito nunca por telefono, a menos que grabes esas conversaciones.
First thing to do is dispute the amount in writing, never admit that you owe them anything because you really don't. Because they never really gave you any valuable consideration, they never could have lost anything; you have to ask them for a proof of loss; you also ask them for a certified or notarized copy of the contract between you and the bank; ask them to return the original promissory note or loan application they got from you. Chances are they do not have it.
La primera cosa es decir por escrito que no estas de acuerdo con la 'deuda' porque en realidad no les debes nada. Por virtud de que nunca te han dado una consideracion de valor, por lo tanto nunca han perdido nada; pidales pruebas de perdidas; tambien pidales una copia certificada por notario del contrato entre tu y el banco/tarjeta; pideles una copia certificada (que indique por medio de firma que es genuina copia de la original) de la nota promisoria (formulario de peticion)
Why? Because the contract does not exist; or they may have already sold your contract to others in the form of asset-backed securities or other derivatives. There is no contract. What they call a contract is the loan application they took from you. That is not a valid contract.
Por que pides estas cosas?... porque ese contrato no existe; o lo han transpasado a un tercero empacado con otros nombres. El contrato no existe. Lo que ellos llaman contrato es el formulario de aplicacion que llenaste. Eso no es un contrato valido.
A valid contract must be signed by two parties; the bank never signed anything with you. There is no such thing as a unilateral contract. In the case of a credit card agreement, the contract is the credit card holder agreement is nothing but an agreement between you and the bank which enables them to charge you an annual fee for using the card.
Para que un contrato se valido, tiene que ser firmado por dos partes; el banco nunca firmo nada contigo. No existe tal cosa como un contrato unilateral. En el caso de las tarjetas de credito, el contrato es el portador de la tarjeta el acuerdo no es mas que in acuerdo para que el banco le pueda cobrar intereses por usar la tarjeta.
But as far as loans are concerned, there is no such thing as a loan contract. Because if there is, it would not be hard to show that they have breached the contract for non-disclosure of material fact, or the fact that they have not loaned you any money.
Pero en el caso de prestamos, un contrato no existe. Por que si lo hubiese, no seria dificil demostrar que han quebrado el contrato por no divulgar hechos materiales, o el hecho de que no te han prestado ningun dinero.
It is very important for you to do these initial steps because you are establishing for yourself the evidence that you can use in a court of law should the banks or their agents (lawyers) decide to escalate the matter and take you to court.
Es muy importante pongas esos puntos en accion por que asi estaras colectando evidencia la cual puedes usar en una corte si es que los bancos o sus agentes (abogados) deciden hacer crecer el asunto y llevarte a la corte.
The idea is to accumulate enough evidence that the banks have failed or refused to provide you with any verifiable evidence that you owed them anything. Once they failed to produce the evidence you need, that in itself should discharge their claim - they have no claim.
La idea es acumular suficiente evidencia, evidencia que los bancos no podran proveer. Una vez que no puedan darte la evidencia que pides, eso en si es suficiente para que su demanda se nula.
Once you have the evidence that the principal or the creditor has no verifiable claim, their lawyers and debt collection agents would not have any verifiable evidence either and therefore these third parties or agents have no legal standing to bother you. The biblical principle that says: "no man is greater than his master" applies here. If the principal has no claim, no one else have any claim, simple as that, so do not be afraid of them.
Una vez que tengas la evidencia de que el principal o acreedor no tiene una demanda verificable, sus abogados y sus agentes de colecta tampoco la tendran, por tanto sin ninguna demanda valida no te pueden molestar. es asi de simple, asi que no le tengas miedo.
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